It was the Winter School aim ! Last january, in Grenoble, France, CRESSON organised a intense winter school from the 14th until the 19th. The training was attended by participants who come from different disciplines : architects, urbanists, artists, radio producers, archivists, sociologists, designers, landscapers, sound engineers. Their wide range of expertise has produced very rich sound compositions.
During the week, the afternoons were devoted to workshops supervised by Jean-Luc Bardyn, Gregoire Chelkoff, Horacio Diéguez, Julio Gomez, Jul McOisans, Noha Said, Pascaline Thiollière and Xoán Xil. If the weather was not always forgiving, good humor was there!
The workshop “sound palimpsest” led by Noha Said and Jean-Luc Bardyn has produced five sound compositions. The palimpsest is defined in dictionaries as “Manuscript on parchment where medieval copyists erased writings to be able to write new text. So, actually a “palimpsest” refers to the layers of different writings which overlap in time. Associate the term of palimpsest with the urban soundscape incorporates temporal thickness in which a soundscape evolves and changes over time. The aim of this workshop was to suggest “sonic ambiances” composed of memories and sound phenomena sedimented over time. Supervisors have selected three sites in Grenoble who embody some of the history of the city: the Saint-Andrée square, the Musée Dauphinois and the Caserne de Bonne.
Tout est bruit pour qui a peur
Tout est bruit pour qui a peur. Baptiste Moulin / sous la direction de Jean-Luc Bardyn et Noha Saïd / Grenoble : CRESSON – 2013-01
Carousel. Toumadher Ammar ; Raja Ghozi ; Toumadher Ammar ; Raja Ghozi / sous la direction de Jean-Luc Bardyn et Noha Saïd/ Grenoble : CRESSON – 2013-01
Ascenseur temporel
Ascenseur temporel. Eloïse Plantrou ; Patrice Gilman ; Eloïse Plantrou ; Patrice Gilman / sous la direction de Jean-Luc Bardyn et Noha Saïd / Grenoble : CRESSON – 2013-01
Institutions. Rémy Vigneron ; Laure Bouscasse ; Rémy Vigneron ; Laure Bouscasse / sous la direction de Jean-Luc Bardyn et Noha Saïd / Grenoble : CRESSON – 2013-01
Musée Dauphinois
Musée Dauphinois. Sylvain Biquand / sous la direction de Jean-Luc Bardyn et Noha Saïd / Grenoble : CRESSON – 2013-01
The workshop “Sound utopias” led by Gregory Chelkoff and Pascaline Thiollière produced two sound compositions. The workshop aimed to develop a “demo,” to express the transformation of a place by acting on its space and uses or to translate one particular listening. Starting from an existing location, it was to consider the elements that would change the face hearing by playing realism and imagination. Conservation, invention or revelation were the issues of the workshop. Peri-urban landscape were to interpret: a bridge over the south ring road overlooking a cemetery, and a part of the Avenue Gabriel Peri (Saint-Martin d’Hères, France) near to the campus and a shopping area.
Axes. Stephania Becheanu ; Anne-Laure Uhrig ; Richard Delaumé ; Gentiane Desueaux ; Camille Michel / sous la direction de Grégoire Chelkoff et Pascaline Thiollière / Grenoble : CRESSON – 2013-01
Résurgence atonale
Résurgence atonale. Adrien Defrance ; Emelyne Bailly ; Pauline Desgrandchamp / sous la direction de Grégoire Chelkoff et Pascaline Thiollière/ Grenoble : CRESSON – 2013-01
NoTours led by Horacio Diéguez, Xoán Xil and Julio Gomez, representatives of the Spanish collective “Escoitar” produced two Soundwalks in public spaces of Villeneuve (France). NoTours is a project by that allows editing a place with sounds. This means that you can attach sounds to a territory and that later, when you go physically to that place you can listen to them. The trick is using our noTours Android Application that detects your location (via GPS) and plays your audios exactly in the place where you have decided it. NoTours proposes an augmented aurality experience. Invested places were near to the school of architecture, ENSAG: galleries buildings Harlequin and Villeneuve Park and the Grand Place shopping center and its surroundings.
The experience must be lived in situ to capture all dimensions, including the increased gap between listening and career of a public space. To communicate this experience, workshop participants performed two immersive videos to give an idea of their composition:
Shopping center
Shopping center. Olfa Fraj ; Louis Stanislas ; Mohsen Ben Hadj Salem / sous la direction de Horacio Diéguez et Xuan Gil / Grenoble : CRESSON – 2013-01
Safari. Jean-Michel Denizart ; Floriane Pochon / sous la direction de Horacio Diéguez et Xuan Gil / Grenoble : CRESSON – 2013-01
You can know more reading this french article : Noha Saïd, Nicolas Rémy et Françoise Acquier., « Bilan des ateliers de l’Ecole d’hiver sur les ambiances sonores – 2013 », Le Cresson enseigne : École d’hiver sur les ambiances sonores (Hypothè, 28 mars 2013. [En ligne]